
Királyokról, káposztákról

Friss topikok

  • Sssy: Huha! Maris egy evesek vagytok! Mi is, es ez meg fel sem tunt, nemhogy ajesz...! Szoval az Irorsza... (1970.01.01. 01:00) Ha az ember rákap az ízére...
  • Gyuri: A végén olyan dagi leszel, ha mindet megeszed, hogy tán az 50 kilót is eléred! :))))))))) (1970.01.01. 01:00) Cupcake
  • izmiri: ez az utcakép egy csoda egyszerűen imádom, mikor nagy fák ágai árnyékolnak / virágokkal borítanak ... (1970.01.01. 01:00) Fesztiválnyitás
  • Melinda: Van neked egy kis elfoglaltságom: (1970.01.01. 01:00) Preppie
  • 81138: Azért nevetünk rajta ennyire, mert B-nek villámgyorsan kellett mellém huppannia, miután beállított... (1970.01.01. 01:00) I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world



Fred and Marilyn

1970.01.01. 01:00 :: Cinnamon

"One night I noticed a big commotion and I looked at the door and there was this gorgeous blonde in a white satin, slinky gown and I knew who it was, it was Marilyn Monroe. And all conversation stopped and she, with her marvelous walk, walked over to the Mendles and said, 'Hello,' and the conversation began again.
And I remember I was in a corner with Fred Astaire, Clark Gable and Reginald Gardner talking about Walt Whitman. And Marilyn happened to overhear the name 'Whitman' so she slunk over to the three gentlemen standing there, and I was just standing there to one side, and she said, 'Oh! Whitman! I just love his chocolates!'
Well, all conversation stopped in the room. And Fred, who is such a darling and such a gentleman, didn’t laugh. He said, 'Oh, Marilyn, we all do.'
And I thought that was so brilliant of him and so nice of him to say that to Marilyn who never knew that she made a gaffe. At all."

-Arlene Dahl


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